Essential Oils

Distillate Essential Oils

Distillation apparatus for the production of essential oils, as well as spirits from hydrolates of steam distillation
The devices offered here may also be legally acquired in Germany by private individuals, without the permission of customs, if they are not used for the production or purification of alcohol. Up to 2 liters of socket size, these are then also registration-free. For larger boilers, you must register them with your main customs office within 3 working days and affirm on your affidavit that you are not using them to make or purify your alcohol.
Regardless of size, never use the equipment with alcohol, even with taxed alcohol.
If you still want to legally produce a fruit or herbal spirit, use your distillate for the steam distillation for the flavoring of alcohol. You are perfectly allowed to distil hydrolates and essential oils. Then mix the hydrolate with clear alcohol, which is as tasteless as possible (vodka, PrimaSprit). Since most of the essential oils are alcohol-soluble, you can use them, but only drop by drop. In general, you already have a highly aromatic distillate, so you best peel off the oil, and use only the hydrolate. Touch the mixing ratio to your taste. An excessive amount of hydrolates can also spoil the taste. We have e.g. created a very good spirit from the hydrolate of a steam distillation of the first 15 minutes from sage leaves. For our taste, a volume ratio of 2 parts of hydrosol, 3 parts of 96 vol .-% alcohol and 4 parts of distilled water was optimal. If you like it 40 vol .-% strength, mix 1 part of hydrolate with 2 parts of 96 vol .-% and 2 parts of distilled water. Also that was still very delicious, if we personally also the first mixture even better. By the way, you can also obtain 96% Primasprit, taxed. With a steam distillery and primasprit you can legally produce your favorite spirit. By the way, you discover - if not already done - your love for the scents of the essential oils.
In all other countries you have to take into account the laws of your own country. Inform yourself about what is permitted or not.


Still for essential-oil E2-55 Premium Plus Model 2023

DESTILLIERMEISTER E2-55 Premium Plus - Top Model 2024

Legal and registration-free stainless steel still optimized for the distillation of essential oils with a large capacity for flowers and leaves

30 ml Essential Oil in 9 Minutes

The report-free DESTILLIERMEISTER E2 - 55 Premium Plus Model 2024 has been revised again. The stand is now manufactured in such a way that the kettle can be removed from the system to refill it with plants or water and the cooling system with riser pipe and lid remains standing. Working will therefore become faster and therefore more economical. The next distillation can start within a few minutes.

Everything else had already been improved in the 2022 model. The pre-condenser for the pressure loss-free transition to liquefy the steam into the cooler has been designed to be longer and bent. The distillate cooler is now designed in a winding shape instead of the bulky Liebig cooler and is still longer. This means that the entire system is significantly more compact and the cooling water consumption has been significantly reduced thanks to the overall longer cooling length. The kettle has the legally permitted bubble size of 2 liters, but the plant tube has a total volume of a whopping 5.5 liters. This makes it probably one of the largest legal and registration-free distilleries for essential oils. The riser pipe of the Premium model is insulated to minimize drip losses. This means that the premium model is optimized for the extraction of essential oils and hydrosols.
The steam is liquefied in the pre-condenser, so that the cross-sectional reduction occurs when it passes into the final cooler without any pressure loss. Note: Pressure losses in the piping system act as a pressure increase in the plant pipe, so the steam has to work against a pressure mountain. This leads to hydrosol and oil dripping back, which leads to significant losses. This also increases the temperature in the plant tube because the boiling point increases. This damages the essential oils and reduces their quality.

EUR 899,00
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs

Bau von optimierten Destillen seit über 17 Jahren


Für die Destillation von ätherischen Ölen optimierte legale Edelstahl-Destille mit großem Fassungsvermögen für Blüten und Blätter

Der DESTILLIERMEISTER E10-55 Premium-Plus Modell 2023 ist eine erweiterte Variante des Modells E2-55 Premium Plus Modell 2023 mit einem Wasser-/Dampfkessel von über 10 Litern. Da hier der Wasservorrat in der Regel für mehrere Destillationen reicht, ist hier das Pflanzenrohr auf dem Wasserkessel verschraubbar konzipiert worden, damit es separat abgenommen werden kann, um es mit neuen Pflanzen oder Drogen zu füllen. Der Unterschied ist die komplette Aufständerung der Destillierbrücke incl. einer 3. Stütze für den Endkühler durch ein verstellbares Stativ, sodass Kessel und Pflanzenrohr zum Neufüllen herausgenommen werden kann und alles andere stehen bleibt. Das beschleunigt das Arbeiten damit erheblich. Das findet man weiter unten dokumentiert.

Der Vorkondensor zum druckverlustfreien Übergang zur Verflüssigung des Dampfes in den Kühler ist mit über 1 m Kühllänge komfotabel ausgestattet worden. Um das System kompakt zu halten, ist er gebogen konzipiert. Steigrohr und Vorkondensor sind miteinander verschraubbar gefertigt, so dass das System leichter handhabbar und variabler ist. Auch der Destillatkühler ist in gewundener Form ausgelegt und kann dadurch länger ausgelegt werden, ohne dass das System ausladend wird. Insgesamt ergeben Vorkondensor und Hauptkühler Kühllänge von über 2 m, so dass nur verhältnismäßig wenig Kühlwasser verbraucht wird. 
Das Steigrohr des Premium-Plus Modells ist zur Minimierung der Rücktropfverluste isoliert. Insgesamt ist das Premium-Plus-Modell für die Gewinnung von ätherischen Ölen und Hydrolaten optimiert. Im Vorkondensor wird der Dampf verflüssigt, ohne dass in diesem 1. Schritt der Querschnitt beim Übergang des Dampfes vom Steigrohr in die Kühlung reduziert wird. Daher muss der Dampf hier nicht gegen einen Druckberg anströmen, was zu Ölverlusten führen würde, aber auch die Temperatur an den Pflanzen ist damit niedriger als ohne Vorkondensor. Erst beim beim Übergang in den Endkühler wird der Querschnitt reduziert, erzeugt aber keinen Strömungswiderstand mehr, weil der Dampf mittlerweile verflüssigt ist.
Zur Anmerkung: Druckverluste im Leitungssystem wirken sich als Druckerhöhung im Pflanzenrohr aus, der Dampf muss also gegen einen Druckberg arbeiten. Das schadet den ätherischen Ölen und vermindert deren Qualität.

Aus früheren Versuchen mit dem DESTILLIERMEISTER E2-55 Premium wissen wir, dass sich das optimale Verhältnis von Pflanzenrohrhöhe zu Pflanzenrohrdurchmesser positiv auf die Effizienz auswirkt. Wegen der größeren Verdampfungsfläche des Wasserkessels wird die Destillationsgeschwindigkeit signifikant erhöht, was eine Verkürzung der Destillationsdauer und eine kürzere Aufenthaltsdauer der ätherischen Öle in einer heißen Umgebung bewirkt. Es wirkt sich also auch auf die Qualität der Destillate aus.

Für die allermeisten Pflanzen und Blüten reicht der Wasservorrat für 6 bis 7 Destillationen bei Entnahme von 1 Liter Destillat pro Destillation. Wenn die Entnahme von einem Liter Hydrolat pro Destillation aber einmal nicht ausreicht, was wir z. B. bei der Destillation von Fenchelsamen festgestellt haben, reicht der Wasservorrat für mindestens 2 Destillationen. Das bringt eine deutliche Zeitersparnis bei der Arbeit verglichen mit dem 2 Liter - Dampfkessel. Die Verwendung eines großen Kessels zur Hydrolat Gewinnung ist auch in Deutschland völlig legal. Sie müssen einen Kessel über 2 Liter aber dem Zoll melden, dürfen ihn dann uneingeschränkt nutzen, auch für den Privatgebrauch.
Durch das isolierte Steigrohr werden Rücktropf-Verluste bereits reduziert. Die Rücktropf-Verluste lassen sich weiter reduzieren, indem man das Pflanzen-Rohr ebenfalls isoliert, z. B. mit einer Decke. Damit ist dann eine höhere Öl-Ausbeute zu erwarten.

Mit 5,5 Liter Pflanzenraum haben sie reichlich Volumen, um größere Mengen Pflanzen oder Drogen zu verarbeiten. Durch Hochstellen des Aromakorbes können Sie aber auch mit kleineren Mengen experimentieren, sie sollten dann aber mit verminderter Heizleistung arbeiten, damit der Dampf nicht einfach ohne Wirkung das Pflanzengut durchströmt. Da die Dampferzeugung in einem extra Kessel unter dem Pflanzenbehälter stattfindet, ist eine Berührung mit kochendem Wasser ausgeschlossen. Sie sollten den Kessel aber nur mit maximal 9 Liter füllen, damit sich der Dampf im Kessel entwickeln kann und bei Siedeverzug kein heißes Wasser mit hochgezogen wird.
Wasser- / Dampfbehälter und Pflanzen-/ Drogenrohr, sowie alle destillatführenden Rohrleitungen sind in hochwertigem Edelstahl ausgeführt. 

EUR 999,00
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
"CopperGarden®" 0.5-liters capacity column still

"CopperGarden®" 0.5-liters capacity column still

Unique! Quality versatile wide column still with a detachable column: for distilling essential oils and alcohol. Fast delivery.

Shipping weight: 1700 g

Availability: Immediate delivery from warehouse

EUR 159,00
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Compact distillation plants for steam distillation
Distillate for steam distillation for the production of essential oil
  • Water-/steam-boiler: 7 to 11 liters,
  • Plant basket: 3.5 to 6 liters,
  • dome lid to reduce dripping losses,
  • counter-flow performance cooler
  • Lockable with fasteners,
  • Hygiene by stainless steel - no verdigris danger.
from EUR 399,00
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Destillen bis 48 Liter Pflanzenraum


Optimized distilling plant for steam distillation for the production of essential oil

Essential oils by steam distillation. The DESTILLIERMEISTER E7448-Premium-Plus model 2022 still is optimized for the extraction of essential oils. It has a drug volume of 48 liters. Essential oil obtained by means of steam towing distillation has a particularly high quality because the temperature in the drug container remains below the evaporation temperatures of the water and the oils with this process, thus protecting the essential aromas. In particular, the stainless steel stills of the premium models of the DESTILLIERMEISTER E series work with a pressure-reducing pre-condenser, so that a particularly high product quality is achieved with these stills. After condensing the oil-bearing hydrosols in the pre-condenser, the downstream high-performance cooler cools the essential oils down to the required temperature.

For an optimal energy supply, a steam output of between 9 and 12 kW is required. In order to achieve this output, a heating output of between 23 and 30 kW would be required with an efficiency of 40%. This heat output is difficult to bring in via the bottom of the boiler. 


  • Water / steam boiler: 25 liters,

  • steam-dynamically optimized plant basket: 12 liters,

  • Plant box enlargement: up to 3 x 12 liters

  • Spherical helmet to reduce dripping loss.

  • Insulated standpipe to prevent premature condensation.

  • Precondensor to reduce pressure and temperature to preserve the essential aromas.

  • High performance counter flow cooler

  • Cooling system set up with a variable tripod so that the boiler can be reloaded independently of this.

More information
Safe standing when refilling the system

Because the cooling is now fixed at 6 points of the cooling coil, the system's periphery is now more stable when the still is removed for refilling.

This system is optimized in such a way that the bottom of the plant basket does not disturb the steam dynamics and the pressure loss when reducing the cross-section to the cooler is minimized. The plant basket extensions are designed without a bottom so that no drip losses occur when the plant space is multiplied. This avoids an increase in pressure in the boiler and the resulting vapor overheating, which would destroy heat-sensitive essential flavors. This was achieved through a high permeability of the 1st basket floor and a pre-condensation of the oily vapor in the pre-condenser. The steam is fed into the pre-condenser with only a slight cross-section reduction and pre-cooled, so that mostly hot condensed hydrolate is fed into the actual high-performance cooler. This means that the main cooler no longer generates any pressure loss.
Our own investigations with a test system optimized in this way have shown that the differential pressure to the environment in the unfilled system is less than 10 pascals, while before the optimization it was over 1000 pascals. This is a significant improvement and the technical requirements for steam distillation are now optimal.
When loading with plants, you should make sure that they are only poured loosely. Under no circumstances should the plants be compacted, as this can lead to the destruction of the steam dynamics. The ideal filling height of the plant baskets should be determined specifically by experiment. With sufficient steam throughput with fresh plants, it has been shown that 4 to 5 basket units are ideal.
To seal between the individual pots, the supplied profile seals are pulled onto the pot edges in such a way that the short lip is positioned on the outside of the pot edge. The plant baskets are being put on. In order for the steam dynamics to develop sufficiently with direct heating, the water boiler should only be filled with a maximum of 15 liters of water at the beginning. This water is enough for at least 3 distillations of a maximum of 1/2 hour.
The Premium-Plus 2022 model is already fitted with a 1" inlet tap and has an internal diffuser steam inlet device to direct externally generated steam into the boiler with less efficiency loss.

Insulation of the plant container or at least the helmet is also recommended, because oil is lost through condensation here when it cools down. This is largely avoided by insulation. In the case of external steam supply, the boiler should also be insulated. In the simplest case, insulation can be done by wrapping in thermal blankets.

EUR 2.099,00
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Destillen bis 60 Liter Pflanzenraum

DESTILLIERMEISTER JUMBO-E7448-Premium-Plus - Model 2022 for external steam supply

Optimized distilling plant for steam distillation for the production of essential oil

Essential oils by steam distillation. The DESTILLIERMEISTER E7448-Premium-Plus model 2022 still is optimized for the extraction of essential oils. It has a drug volume of 48 liters, which in this version can be expanded by another 12 liters. Essential oil obtained by means of steam towing distillation has a particularly high quality because the temperature in the drug container remains below the evaporation temperatures of the water and the oils with this process, thus protecting the essential aromas. In particular, the stainless steel stills of the premium models of the DESTILLIERMEISTER E series work with a pressure-reducing pre-condenser, so that a particularly high product quality is achieved with these stills. After condensing the oil-bearing hydrosols in the pre-condenser, the downstream high-performance cooler cools the essential oils down to the required temperature.

For an optimal energy supply, a steam output of between 9 and 12 kW is required. In order to achieve this output, a heating output of between 23 and 30 kW would be required with an efficiency of 40%. This heat output is difficult to bring in via the bottom of the boiler. For this reason, the boiler on this shelf has also been equipped for the introduction of steam from an external steam generator. This steam generator should deliver 15 to 20 kg of saturated steam per hour. It can be either a steam generator or a kettle with a larger bottom diameter, from which the steam is introduced into kettle 1 using a flexible hose. To ensure that the efficiency of the steam introduced is not reduced too much, the steam is introduced via a diffuser connected to the ball valve.
More information
Safe standing when refilling the system

Because the cooling is now fixed at 6 points of the cooling coil, the system's periphery is now more stable when the still is removed for refilling.
This system is optimized in such a way that the bottom of the plant basket does not disturb the steam dynamics and the pressure loss when reducing the cross-section to the cooler is minimized. The plant basket extensions are designed without a bottom so that no drip losses occur when the plant space is multiplied. This avoids an increase in pressure in the boiler and the resulting vapor overheating, which would destroy heat-sensitive essential flavors. This was achieved through a high permeability of the 1st basket floor and a pre-condensation of the oily vapor in the pre-condenser. The steam is fed into the pre-condenser with only a slight cross-section reduction and pre-cooled, so that mostly hot condensed hydrolate is fed into the actual high-performance cooler. This means that the main cooler no longer generates any pressure loss.
Our own investigations with a test system optimized in this way have shown that the differential pressure to the environment in the unfilled system is less than 10 pascals, while before the optimization it was over 1000 pascals. This is a significant improvement and the technical requirements for steam distillation are now optimal.
When loading with plants, you should make sure that they are only poured loosely. Under no circumstances should the plants be compacted, as this can lead to the destruction of the steam dynamics. The ideal filling height of the plant baskets should be determined specifically by experiment. With sufficient steam throughput with fresh plants, it has been shown that 4 to 5 basket units are ideal.
To seal between the individual pots, the supplied profile seals are pulled onto the pot edges in such a way that the short lip is positioned on the outside of the pot edge. The plant baskets are being put on. In order for the steam dynamics to develop sufficiently with direct heating, the water boiler should only be filled with a maximum of 15 liters of water at the beginning. This water is enough for at least 3 distillations of a maximum of 1/2 hour.
The Premium-Plus 2022 model is already fitted with a 1" inlet tap and has an internal diffuser steam inlet device to direct externally generated steam into the boiler with less efficiency loss.

Insulation of the plant container or at least the helmet is also recommended, because oil is lost through condensation here when it cools down. This is largely avoided by insulation. In the case of external steam supply, the boiler should also be insulated. In the simplest case, insulation can be done by wrapping in thermal blankets.

EUR 2.398,00
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
separating funnel

Oil separator / separating funnel 100 ml - according to Squibb

Oil separator made from DURAN BOROSILICATE GLASS 3.3 - laboratory quality. The optimal separating funnel for the clean separation of essential oil and hydrosol when distilling as well as other liquids with different weights (e.g. oil and water)

A separating funnel is an indispensable aid for the distillation of essential oils with many other uses in the laboratory and at home. This oil separator is resistant to most acids and heat-resistant even above 100 ° C.

Best quality so that you can enjoy your work for a long time.

With PTFE laboratory stopcock (tap)

ground glass joint NS 29/32

EUR 69,00
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
17 to 24 (from a total of 25)